Calculation – Savings caused by the high efficiency of the innolectric On-Board Charger

Savings caused by the high efficiency of the innolectric On-Board Charger Calculation (numbers taken from the use case)
Saving electricity at a difference of 3 % power loss 22 kWh * 3 % = 0.66 kWh
Effective saving electricity with 3 hours charging time 0,66 kWh * 3h charging time = approx. 2 kWh saving per charging process
Saved money with 3 hours charging time and a price of 20 Cent per kWh 2 kWh * 20 Cent electricity price = 40 Cent savings per charging process
Saved money at 300 charges for 3 hours per year 40 Cent * 300 charges per year = 120 € savings per year