With the On-Board Charger, innolectric supplies an important component of the comprehensive system solution that Th. Niehues GmbH offers its customers for electric and hybrid vehicle drives. The German company Niehues is known for developing innovative system strings that are used in industrial, mobile and electrical applications. When it comes to the electrification of vehicles and work machines, holistic integration of the electric drivetrain is of crucial importance. An important component that both companies attach great importance to.
Close cooperation with a qualified partner such as innolectric enables Niehues to offer innovative and reliable complete solutions on the market that meet the highest standards of efficiency, availability and sustainability.
A central component of the cooperation at product level between the two companies is the use of the innolectric On-Board Charger. These power electronics with integrated charging communication, available in both 400 V and 800 V designs, play a key role in the system solution. The OBC not only ensures reliable and efficient charging of the batteries, but also enables seamless communication between the vehicle and the charging station. It combines AC and DC charging in one component and thus enables maximum charging flexibility in the application. Alternatively, parallel mains operation is also possible via the OBC.
The product-related partnership between Niehues and innolectric is a clear commitment to the innovative strength and future viability of both companies. The combined expertise and joint efforts not only overcome technological boundaries, but also provide sustainable impetus for the electromobility of the future.